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The skilled painters at Pristine Images Painting Pros understand that properly priming a surface is critical. Interior and exterior surfaces can oftentimes be porous – like wood, concrete or stucco – and will not allow for a smooth, even coat of paint to be applied. Porous surfaces also tend to soak up more paint, therefore, can be costly in the long run. Using proven methods to apply primer to a surface when needed allows paint to better ‘stick’ so that over time the paint will not peel, flake, crack or blister. Additional advantages are; stain and odor prevention, masking of previous colors and protection against mildew.
Seals porous surfaces
Promotes adhesion
Helps block and seal odors
Helps block stains
Hides previous colors
Provides a mildew resistant finish
What Is Primer?
Primer is a preparatory coating (undercoat) that is applied to various surfaces prior to painting or repainting when needed. Conventionally comprised of synthetic resin, solvent and additive agents, primer (also known as sealer) is commonly used on materials such as wood, metal and plastic.
Pristine Images Painting Pros always adheres to the tried-and-true methods of painting – from start to finish. Contact one of our expert paint contractors to discuss your next paint project today!